Throughout the semester we'll be visiting Colorado State's
Writing Studio to exchange ideas in forums and work on a collaborative research project. The Writing Studio requires students to create an account and then join a particular class, and to do that you'll need an invitation from Raul. Please
e-mail him using either your
Google Apps for Colorado State University address or another
Gmail account that you prefer.
Please include "CO150" and "Writing Studio" in the subject line. (Note: if you receive an invitation before composing this e-mail, and you want to continue using the e-mail address it references, skip to the next paragraph.) We'll talk more in class about why Gmail (and a word processor called Google Docs) will become important in our writing this semester.
In accepting the Writing Studio invitation, use the temporary password "CO150." Then choose a unique password and update your Writing Studio account to reflect your preferred first and last name. Once you have established an account at the Writing Studio and/or accepted an invitation to our class, you'll see "CO150 or College Composition: Fall 2009" listed under the tab "Classes Taken." Nearby you'll see a tab called "Customize," and there you should "Edit Your Description" and "Choose A New Photograph or Image" in order to tell the class something about yourself and remind us what you look like. Later, on our Writing Studio class page, you should see e-mail addresses and photos for everyone by clicking "Classmates."